SIC Title 1 Planning Committee Meeting
September 25, 2024
The mission of Ford Elementary School is to empower and inspire all to be educated and informed.
● Welcome, Sign-in
○ Mrs. Penland welcomed everyone to the meeting.
● Introductions
○ Mrs. Kim Penland (ex-officio) introduced herself, then went around the table…Ms. Elizabeth Green (teacher), Ms. Sandy Molina (parent), Mrs. Charlene Davenport (parent), Mrs. Paula McKelvey (Teacher of the Year), Mr. Clyde Scott (community), Mrs. Patsy Taylor (community), Mrs. Chelsea Marino (teacher), Mr. Chris Zworek (community), Mrs. Brook England (ex-officio)
● “The Basics” of the SIC
○ Mrs. Penland went of the SIC Handbook, including the member makeup
○ Title 1 Funds-committee has input in how that money is used
● SIC By Laws - Review/Approve
○ Mrs. Penland went over the by-laws, including the purpose of the SIC, makeup of the SIC, nomination, election, and appointment procedures, terms of office, SIC officers and duty of officers, SIC officers, duties of officers, meetings (will have at least 8), Mr. Scott asked about the SIC purpose…Mrs. Penland said how Title 1 funds are spent, ways we can help meet school goals, helping to meet goals of the turn-around plan
○ Mrs. Penland made a motion to approve bylaws…Mrs. Taylor made a motion and Mr. Wzorek seconded the motion, the motion was approved to accept the SIC by-laws
● Strategic Plan Review- Kim explains what the Turnaround plan is and why- data/school report card scores, 4 schools in the district are Priority and Underperforming Schools. Brook is explaining page by page of the Turnaround plan from 22-23 SC ready data/school report card, We are below Average- We went down 1 point in ELA and grew 4 points in Math. Kim reviews Needs Assessment- See what needs to be worked on are…based on Spring MAP data-, Some grade levels were close and some weren’t at all. (Patsy asks what ELA stands for- Kim answers English Language Arts.) Attendance & Behavior data; need to address school culture and student engagement. ML & ELL labels (Multilingual learners and English Language Learners), Preparing for Success is the State Science Test- last year it did not count-field test due to standards changing. Unsure of how it will affect ratings on the School Report card. Student progress comes from 4th & 5th grade mostly because it follows the students and looks at growth from year to year, retention (repeater) students show in 3rd. School Climate Survey; parents, students, and teachers complete-the rating comes from students and teachers. KP: Any questions? CZ: Why is Science only fourth grade? CZ: Why so low? KP/BE/CM: Mixture certification, teacher morale, data driven, parent support, language barriers, etc.)
● Election of officers (Chair, Co-Chair, Secretary) KP: Any nominations or volunteers for Chair? PM- I recommend Santa! Chris Zw. Patsy and Brook 2nd the motion. He accepted the nomination. KP: All those in Favor -everyone says aye. KP: Any opposed? No opposed. KP: Vice or Co-Chair any nominations or volunteers? Brooke, I nominate Sandy Molina, she accepted the nomination. KP: All those in Favor -everyone says aye. No opposed. KP: I will nominate Chelsea Marino for secretary, she accepted the nomination. KP: All those in Favor -everyone says aye. KP: Any opposed? No opposed.
● District and School Goals- KP: School Board Presentation- Going over ethnicity data
○ Creating a 5-Star Culture of Excellence- KP: When I accepted the job back at FES in FEbruary, I requested a walkthrough of the building during March 2023 intersession with Jody & Rhett. Showed before and after pictures of facelift, paint, and clean up of the buildings. Positive Environment- eagle tickets, celebration day-Big Air on Oct., conscious discipline training-behavior & discipline- started and fully implemented by next year. Community builder activities for new faces- special parking places on Friday for attending Faculty Meetings. Reading Buddies & Good News Club, Cluster showcase board-implementation of new learning from Cluster meetings. Community sponsors- St. James & Lucas Ave- adopted a special needs classroom,adopted FES and provided snacks, duty free lunch, volunteers, supplies/items needed.
■ Safety Updates- Fence in front, fobs at all the doors now, last year doors were unlocked and open, new cameras.
■ Instruction- School Goals; 23.1% to 35% in ELA, 25% to 35% in Math. Look at Not Meets & Approaches to determine how to move them up, Action plan for meeting our goals- small group instruction focus right now, data driven- data charts- based on MAP data in 1st-5th and K5 is Fastbridge; Correlation charts for MAP- Color coded and determine if they can meet on SC Ready. student data forms, CZ: Special needs are not counted? KP: Only IEP students are, Self contained Special Needs do not test.
■ ILT Team-NIET- meet weekly, have an agenda, weekly walkthroughs & cluster cards- feedback. Read to Succeed Law retained in 3rd grade if they do not pass SC Ready, go to summer reading camp and pass or go back to 3rd. As of now our data shows, 42 out of 66 Read to Succeed kids. Levels of instructional support; Tier 1- everyone, Tier 2- Small group instruction, Tier 3- Interventions PI and PO, Tier 4- Resource/IEP, Reading Buddies, Mentorships, Master Teachers, Teacher Specialists, & Instructional/Reading Coach. Starting Thinking Maps & Write from the Beginning- improve scores & writing.
■ Climate- Morale & culture-is improving, KP- we were overwhelmed at first, and the teachers were as well, but it’s getting better and they are happier.
○ Goals for the 2024-2025 school year
● Title 1 funds- Interventionists- 2 full time and 1 part time, instructional materials & supplies, parent resources, field trips, STEM challenge, professional development (Thinking Maps & Write from the Beginning).
○ (Draft) Parent Involvement Policy and Parent, Student, Teacher, Principal Compact (Everyone has a copy)
○ Suggestions from the Community/SIC Members
EG: Kids bring supplies and come in prepared. KP: We are asking parents to buy BOY needs and we fill in what they don’t have. CZ: Do you want to reword it? EG: No, Just wondering and getting clarification on wording and what supplies… KP/PM?
○ Vote to Approve: Do I have a motion to approve the Title 1 Draft? CZ and SM: I approve. KP: That Passes.
○ KP: DO I have a motion to approve the FES Parent/Student/Teacher/Principal Compact- EG & SM: I approve. KP: That passes.
● 21st Century Afterschool Program- Monday - Thursday 3:30- 6:15, Dr. Tucker is in charge of this.
● Future meeting dates: All meetings will be held at 3:30. CM or BE will send out the reminder meeting emails.