SIC Title 1 Planning Committee Meeting
November 20, 2024
The mission of Ford Elementary School is to empower and inspire all to be educated and informed.
November Agenda Attached
● Welcome, Sign-in by KP
In Attendance: Kim Penland, Chris Wzorek, Patsy Taylor, Chelsea Marino, Brook
England, Paula McKelvey, Sandy Molina, Elizabeth Green, Dr. Kristi Tucker
Not attending: Charlene Davenport, Clyde Scott, and Elizabeth Carroll
Sign in sheet (attached)
● Approval of October Minutes: Marino reads over & Dr. Kristy Tucker pops in to discuss
21st Century Afterschool program. Motion to Approve Patsy Taylor, 2nd the Motion-
Paula McKelvey.
● Goals for the 2024-2025 school year- Kim reviews
■ The percentage of students scoring Meets or Exceeds on SC Ready ELA
will increase from 23.1% in 2024 to 35% in 2025.
■ The percentage of students scoring Meets or Exceeds on SC Ready Math
will increase from 25% in 2024 to 35% in 2025.
■ All other students will improve performance on ELA and Math
SCREADY/MAP/FastBridge assessments by at least 10%. Students who
are performing at the highest proficiency level will maintain their scores.
■ Climate Goal: The school report card rating for School Climate will improve
from Unsatisfactory in 2024 to Average or above in 2025.
■ ML Progress Goal: The school report card rating for Multilingual Learners’
Progress will improve from Unsatisfactory in 2024 to Average or above in
● Creating a 5-Star Culture of Excellence: Kim Penland reviews the safety, climate, and
Instruction info. below.
○ Safety
■ Doors locked when students are in the classrooms.
■ Safeceiver bags carried with students (They have been replenished.
Safeceivers won’t be replaced in the district- they will be overhauled with a
new system/device decided by the district.)
■ Intercom doesn’t work in all the rooms- on the DO’s list to get a new system
in the next year. We do have new radios and they are placed in each grade
level hallway and are taken outside for lunch and recess.
■ Water fountains have new mats under them- helps with dripping water.
Ford Elementary School
601 Lucas Avenue
Laurens, South Carolina 29360
Phone: 864.984.3986
Fax: 864.984.4724
Kim Penland, Principal
Brook England, Assistant Principal
○ Climate - Upbeat Survey Results (100% of the staff completed the survey)
■ Meeting with Upbeat Friday to find out results- Upbeat Survey through the
district. FES is at or above the district average in most things. Teachers
scored FES at 100% for school leadership/instructional leadership. Lower
on Teacher pay- school is not responsible for that. Work-life balance is at
80%- overwhelming due to the changes and expectations. Safety is at
100%, Teamwork and is at 100%, School building is clean and well
maintained at 100%. Instructional Feedback is 100%. 46% Teachers have
hiring over the instructional staff. 97% for welcoming the new staff and
community building.
■ EG says I understand the work life balance but teaching is not a job where
you can just come in and leave. PM says you don’t stay here at Ford if you
don’t love it & PT & CW agree- you get sucked back into the school and
supporting FES because you love it.
■ Suggestions have been provided from teachers for keeping the school
climate positive- KP met with teachers during Cluster meetings last week
(Nov. 11-15) and they gave feedback on the items below to keep a positive
● Continue communication- with staff and parents
● Fun activities planned (Friendsgiving Meal, December Dress up days
for the whole school, Secret Santa, Behavior Celebrations, etc.
● Keep building clean
○ Instruction: KP reviews info below…
■ Cluster meetings and grade level meetings are focusing on data, small
group instruction, and goal-setting.- The big 5 test taking strategies-
teachers are giving input- ILT started the list and in Cluster, teachers add
their suggestions to the big 5. Next week it will be voted on using a Google
form by the teachers. The Big 5 will be created and school-wide taught to
the students prior to MAP Testing in December. In Cluster, teachers are
working on test data to determine by class how many students need to
meet their goal, or grow more to get to the Meet and Exceed category. Also
clarifying that just because their goal is met, that doesn’t mean they will
move bands because they are very behind. They might stay in the same
band even if they meet their goal. Teachers are setting stretch goals (half a
year’s average growth added on to their goal) with students to try to move
their bands or get them closer to grade level.
■ SLO mid-year conferences with teachers- Nov 19, 20, and 21-
Conversations about student progress at this time with KP or BE.
■ MAP testing begins after Thanksgiving. Students have lots of opportunities
to be rewarded for positive results. See MAP Incentives handout (attached)
KP reviews...
*Take their time and learn the big 5 test taking strategies. 1 piece of candy
for every point grown- skittle shows instant gratification. Silver star for 1
MAP goal met, Gold star for both MAP goals met, Stretch goals: Meet 1-
watch KP kiss a pig, Meet 2- Big Air Street Team for both stretch goals.
Class pizza party for most goals met.
● Title 1- Keeping track of books and supply needs.
● 21st Century Afterschool program- Dr. Tucker steps in to discuss Enrichment
opportunities for the 22 students 3rd-5th grades. Afterschool is not offered to students
with behavior problems. Bring in opportunities and activities (T.Towne & Art teacher) for
the students to have experiences as well as serve a snack, work on homework, work on
HMH, and teach mini lessons.
● MTSS Meetings - November 25th and 26th- Guidance Counselor, Reading Coach,
Teacher, AI’s, ML Teacher, Parent as needed: Tier 1-Everyone, Tier 2- Small group in
the classroom, Tier 3- Small Group pulled out by AI. Next step is SPED-IEP. ML is not an
intervention. MTSS: Multi-tiered systems of support- Meeting to discuss the needs of the
student: Look at all information academic, social-emotional, and behavioral. (what have
you tried and what works/doesn’t work?) Use the PRIM and other information to try to
individualize a plan to help the student. 2 different interventions tried with fidelity.
● Turnaround Plan (Draft) - What feedback do you have? (attachment)
○ The one-pager (attached above) will be sent home for other feedback.
○ We will vote on the plan at our next December meeting if we meet or do a Virtual
Meeting. Final approval will be at our next meeting.
PM asks KP and CM if AI’s serve Math Interventions, We do not because our
Reading needs are so high, the focus is on reading this year.
PT says she can see and understand why teachers feel there is a hard work/life
balance- CM/KP states, Due to state law changes (Read to succeed law 177-186),
standards & curriculum- lots of training or testing is happening.
PM- Asks about making 3rd grade smaller class sizes/ another teacher- KP says
that is a district hiring question.
● Upcoming Events: KP reviews…
○ Book Fair - November 18th-26th
○ Parent Night - “Fall” in Love with Reading - November 21st 5:00-6:30 (Helpful hints
on how to read with their children, visit Book Fair, cider and cookies)
○ Thanksgiving Holidays - November 27th-29th
○ Centerpoint Church will feed a free Thanksgiving meal to anyone who comes in
the Ford Cafeteria on Thanksgiving Day.- Flyers to be sent home
○ November 26- 4K-1st & Crimmins- Thanksgiving parade @ 2pm.
○ Winter Testing- December/January (See December Testing Schedule (attached)
○ Reading Buddy Celebration Lunch- December 11th/12th-Friday, December 13th!
○ Snaps and Snacks with Santa (Crimmins’ class) - December 6th
○ December 4th- CW is Santa and taking pics with the kids.
○ DARE - Graduation - December 18th
○ Grades due for the Report card on December 19 so teachers can enjoy the break.
○ December 20 - ½ day for students
○ December 20 - Christmas Sing-along (Teachers & students) KP:Great Veterans
Day program- New music teacher Spears-she is fantastic!
○ Winter Holidays:Dec. 23-Jan. 3
○ Professional Development Day - January 6th
○ Students return to School - January 7th
○ Report Cards go home on January 8th
● Future meeting dates: All meetings will be held at 3:30
○ December 11
○ January 29
○ February 26
○ March 26
○ April 30
○ May 21 (if needed)
NEXT MEETING: December 11th at 3:30
KP: Motion to adjourn- EG, 2nd the motion: SM