SIC Title 1 Planning Committee Meeting


December 11, 2024


The mission of Ford Elementary School is to empower and inspire all to be educated and informed.


      Welcome, Sign-in KP

      In attendance: Paula McKelvey, Kim Penland, Elizabeth Green, Sandy Molina, Brook England, Patsy Taylor, Clyde Scott, Charlene Davenport

      Not in attendance: Elisabeth Carroll, Chris Wzorek, Chelsea Marino

      Approval of November Minutes: England reads over. Motion to approve minutes - PT, 2nd the motion - SM

      Goals for the 2024-2025 school year - KP reviews and explains the testing schedule so far and how long it will take to review the report, understanding there is still a long way to go, but we are seeing good progress.

      The percentage of students scoring Meets or Exceeds on SC Ready ELA will increase from 23.1% in 2024 to 35% in 2025.

      The percentage of students scoring Meets or Exceeds on SC Ready Math will increase from 25% in 2024 to 35% in 2025.

      All other students will improve performance on ELA and Math SCREADY/MAP/FastBridge assessments by at least 10%.  Students who are performing at the highest proficiency level will maintain their scores. 

      Climate Goal: The school report card rating for School Climate will improve from Unsatisfactory in 2024 to Average or above in 2025.

      ML Progress Goal:  The school report card rating for Multilingual Learners’ Progress will improve from Unsatisfactory in 2024 to Average or above in 2025.


      Questions: (CS) What do you think is the number one reason for students not meeting goals (home life, effort, language, etc.)? KP answers, there is not a specific, known reason of why; trying to make sure that every student’s academic needs are being met from interventions.

      KP summarizes R2S law, the change in score (177 to 186) and how that comes into play with testing as well as good cause exemptions.

      Turnaround Plan (Final Draft after receiving feedback from staff, parents, and community) - KP discusses; passes out copy of draft and reviews what a Turnaround Plan is for.

      Discuss additional action steps based on feedback

      KP added a few other bullet points based on feedback from Staff Meeting last week and Google Form responses which included:

      continue to look for outside professional learning opportunities that will support classroom teachers with meeting the needs of students. (emphasizes the importance of sending classroom teachers as well as Master Teachers/Coaches to different PD opportunities)

      create and disseminate a common reporting feature for maintenance requests to be sent to school administration (Google form; this will help with school climate).

      Parents/Families/Community seem to be concerned if teachers will be held accountable for using data for instructional purposes.

      Review of teacher’s responses of pros/cons/suggestions of the Turnaround plan.

      Request approval: KP

      Motion: EG

      2nd the motion: SM

      Upcoming Events: KP

      Reading Buddy Celebration Lunch- December 13th

      DARE - Graduation - December 18th - either 9:00 or 10:00; possible media presence and STEM bus (?)

      December 20 - ½ day for students

      December 20 - Christmas Sing-along

      Winter Holidays:Dec. 23-Jan. 3

      Professional Development Day - January 6th

      Students return to School - January 7th

      Report Cards go home on January 8th (Teachers are working on report cards - grades are due on December 19th).

      Behavior Celebration - January 10th (Eagle Tickets - Celebration committee is working on that).

      Awards Program - Tentatively scheduled for January 16th and 17th.

      Martin Luther King Holiday - January 20th


Questions: PT - When is KP Kissing the pig? (possibly 18th or 19th).


PT: offers to do duty free lunch next week; multiple days.


      Future meeting dates:  All meetings will be held at 3:30

      January 29

      February 26

      March 26

      April 30

      May 21 (if needed)


NEXT MEETING:  January 29 at 3:30


KP: requests motion

Motion to adjourn: SM

2nd: PM